I have worked with Spirit for many years now and in that time I have been blessed to gain the certain knowledge that not only are we Spirit by nature but that we are connected to the Spirit Realms and can received insight and guidance from the higher planes of existence. After over 35 years of working with Spirit, I have earned the designation of Master Psychic Medium. A Psychic medium is a channel through which Higher Guides can speak and share information with those of us living a life of limitation here in the physical world. I have worked channeling messages from the Spirit Realm for many years. A channeled message is different than an inspirational message or a reading. In a channeled message Spirit fills me - enters me with permission - and speaks directly through me. It sounds a bit different from regular speech in part because Spirit is not used to speaking with words and must search a bit for the correct words to share. It is a profoundly uplifting and comfortable process for me. I hope you find this sharing helpful.” Rev Barry channels a message from Spirit which explores our two minds - the mind of the physical and the mind of the Divine. Spirit gives us guidance on how to rise above the limitations of the physical. The following transcript is of the message above which was channeled through me in November of 2015. It is my pleasure to share it with you. I hope you find it helpful . Channeled Message from my Spirit Guide David George....... "We are pleased to merge with this physical entity to share with you a truth.... to answer questions of the nature of the spiritual journey. It is asked, how we know? It is asked, how you can know whether you follow your Divine Purpose?. This is a simple question to address. It is not that the Divine purpose is to any of you immersed in the physical... that it is a mystery that Divine purpose is present in you at all times. It is allowing the Divine presence to speak through you. To guide, support you. To infuse you with action towards purposeful design. It is not a lack of Divine presence which is the issue. It is a lack of focus. It is allowing chaos to confuse and muddle the mind. Those of you immersed in your physical reality do not realize that you have two minds. There is the mind of the physical grounded in chaos... grounded in limitation .... grounded in fear.... grounded in confusion. There is the mind of the Divine... clear, joyful, sharp, concise. Speaks to you through the heart, not through the mind. Speaks to you with such clarity that you jump for joy in the knowledge that you move along the path to right action... to discovery of your purpose.... to discovery of your Divine design. Each of you has chosen a physical body which will allow you to meet the purpose that you and the Divine has chosen. People do not lose their minds. People lose their focus. People lose their courage to stand before challenge and move forward. It is not that people cannot do things It is that people choose not to do things. Fear clouds the mind. Fear clouds our capacity to do. Selfishness is fear. Hatefulness is fear. Pain is fear. There are many qualities of the physical that are not positive. There are many qualities of the physical that are limiting. All of these qualities are fear. It serves no function. There is nothing to fear. The mind of the Divine is eternal. The mind of the physical is not. The mind of the Eternal is right. The mind of the physical is chaos. How can we manage our Divine mind through the chaos of our physical mind? It is so simple. It is child’s work. It is to reject fear. What do you fear? How can you fear. The Divine fills you with life. The Divine surrounds you with life. There should only be joy, not fear. Fear kills the mind of the Divine. It blocks it. It hides it. It separates you from that which you are. We are sad in the knowledge that you do not see us ... in the knowledge that we cannot reach you ... in the knowledge that you can destroy the joy of the Divine through the fear created through the chaos of the physical. I, you, are not limited. I know this to be true. You do not. I live this purposefulness expressed through Divine presence... expressed through Divine thought. You cloud your awareness with fear. This is a choice. We will help you reject fear. We will help you change this so humanity can rise to its proper place in the cosmos. You are as a people being transformed. It will take some time. There is much for you to go through to realize this truth. The dross of the physical weighs you down. The pettiness of the physical blocks you. The fear of death, keeps you from moving forward. How can you fear that which does not exist? There is no death. There is only light. Chaos blocks this truth. We wish for you my children to know that this is truth. It is not complicated. It is not difficult. It is but a thought. How do you know the mind of the Divine? Look to your feelings. Look to your heart. Cast fear aside. You will be guided to glorious joy. You will be guided to glorious truth. You will be happy. How simple. How beautiful. How Divine." Session finished Rev Barry King Thank you for allowing me to share this message with you. Spirit Speaks Message Events Join me for one of my special "Channeling Event" I enter an altered state of consciousness so one of his Higher Spirit Guides can speak directly through me to deliver messages to each person in attendance as well as general messages to the group. Everyone receives a message. Pre-registration is required. Limited Spaces Cost: $ 40 per person ( Pay at the Door) Let me know if you are interested in attending one of the 'Spirit Speaks events" in your area by filling our the RSVP form below. We will put you on the waiting list.
I have been working with Spirit now for almost 40 years but I have been very conscious of my connection to the Higher Realms since I was very young. I remember as a very young child, around 4 years of age, going to sleep at night and visiting the Heaven World. There I was met by very lovely, kind people who would take me by the hand and talk to me and show me things. They would talk about the future and talk about the work I might do and some of the challenges I might have. I don’t remember much but some. The problem was that even at that young age, I was aware that my body was asleep in the bed and that really I was not suppose to be talking to dead people ( Spirit people). I was not afraid but I would try and wake myself up so I could get back to my body. After a while of this, I continued the journeys to the Spirit world but trained myself not to remember them. I would have flashes and insights so I know they continued but I did not think about them much. The point I want to make is that it was normal for me. I was connected to the non-physical world from a very young age and I believe that is true of all of us. For me it was so comfortable and so normal that it took me a while to understand that everyone was not have the experiences I was having. Another time, I will share some of my experiences growing up as someone who could feel and see things that others could not see. For now it is enough to say that it has always came easy to me and that it was a very normal thing even though it was not always comfortable….it was me. Today, I would like to share with you an experience of special meaning to me. This experience taught me the reality of Angels and it happened about thirty-five years ago. My wife, Sandi and I had been invited to a lecture and demonstration by a gifted spiritual healer whose name I believe was Sharon from California. I have always seen Spirit so the room where the event was happening had both people and “Spirit” people. During the lecture, I noticed a Spirit unlike any I had seen before. It was the golden figure of a woman about 5 foot high floating about a foot off the ground. I could see her facial features, her delicate hands and a flowing gown which glowed with the most beautiful light. What made her truly special was the billowing energy which moved at her back and which looked as it billowed in and out not unlike wings. This entity was clearly different than any I had seen before and was I believe a healing angel working with Sharon. This struck me because up to this point experience had suggested to me that angels were ministering souls who had chosen a path of service and did not look any different than disembodied Spirits. But here was a real angel, separate and distinct from other types of entities. She stood beside the healer. As Sharon talked the angel would move out into the audience and touch people. I closed my eyes and opened them again to make sure I wasn’t imagining things. I asked those around me if they could see anything. They could not. The angel moved past me several times to touch people looking at me as she passed. I watched this for over a half an hour before Sharon began doing a healing on a volunteer. Watching the healing was very confirmational for me. The angel was quite unlike anything I would have expected. When Sharon began the healing, the angel stepped into Sharon. I could see the angel's hands and arms superimposed over the healers with the billowed energy (wings) being clearly seen at the back of the healer. Unexpectedly when Sharon moved her hands to the waist of the person receiving the healing, the angel crouched. Even though Sharon remained standing, I could see the image of the crouched angel superimposed over her and from her waist came the angel’s hands and arms to meet Sharon’s hands. After the workshop, I shared it with Sharon who was aware that a healing angel worked with her. Like most people, except for sharing it with my wife Sandi, I kept the experience to myself. A few weeks later, I was at another workshop and met a man who had been at the Sharon’s Healing Workshop. He was talking to a small group of people and he was describing an angel he had seen at the workshop he was at two weeks before which was the same one that I had attended. In every detail, it was the angel that I had witnessed. For me this experience changed my life. It confirmed for me the power and presence of the Divine in our lives. It proved to me that angels do exist as a distinct “race of Spirit” and that they can heal. It set me on a path of service to share with others the message that we are all eternal, infinite, Spirit and that the Divine Presence moves in our lives no matter what faith we are. Rev Barry King Today’s world is a very busy place. At times life can feel chaotic and out of control. We can lose our sense of balance and find it very difficult to experience peace. How can we deal with it? How do we recapture our sense of peace and balance when surrounded by apparent chaos? Some of us deal with a busy world by going on automatic. This means we turn off or down our consciousness and sort of go with the flow. We chose not to make choices and in doing so also choose not to take responsibility. The illusion is that doing this makes things easier. The illusion is that turning life off will tune out the chaos we feel. Does it? What happens when we stop being conscious? What happens when we tune out the world? We stop living! We become afraid! We stop contributing! We stop pursuing a purposeful life! We lose our joy and in doing so become unhappy - disconnected from the very reason we are here. The simple truth is that we are here to LIVE. We are here to move through life consciously taking responsibility for our choices and our thoughts. Yes our thoughts! It is important to understand that we are our thoughts. Our thoughts have great power in our lives and if we wish to transform our lives we must transform our thoughts. So - how do we recapture our sense of peace and balance when surrounded by apparent chaos? The answer to me is quite simple. We accept that we can only change the chaos around us by addressing the chaos that dwells within us. This is the only chaos that we actually have any control over. We cannot change other people but we can change ourselves. We can change our thoughts. We can change how we perceive our challenges. It is important to understand that it is our thoughts that control our capacity to experience joy and peace. It is not necessarily easy. As a matter of fact, it can be really hard. A spiritual journey is by nature one of challenges. We must learn to step out in a state of joy and excitement as we greet the gift of each new day. To engage ourselves in purposeful, joyful living, we must be aware of our thoughts and our connection to the world that we live in. Below are a few simple rules which will help you find peace and joy. - Positive thoughts promote JOYFUL LIVING! - Learn to be authentic! We must be true to ourselves! Love ourselves!!!!!!!!! - Nurture a sense of Gratitude! Gratitude for what we have now and who you are. - Understand that Life is Purposeful and that we can only move forward. - Live in the present. Accept that today we are creating tomorrow through our thoughts & actions. - Understand that we are all Connected. We are in essence one and the same. - Act on your need for Balance. - Accept the Power of Choice to create JOY. - Experience the Freedom of the Gift of Acceptance. - Celebrate the Power of Ritual. - Acknowledge the Value of Change. - Understand that Each Day is a Gift. Living Consciously is the way to be present in your life and how we can take responsibility for our joy and our challenges. Living is about being conscious and growing.
Every day I step into the world with a sense of wonderment and awe. I have been blessed with a physical life and yet I have also been blessed to know with certainty that I am Spirit. I have been blessed with opportunities to be of service both in my work and my vocation. Rev Sandi and I work long hours and we have forgotten what a day off is but we are filled with joy. At an early age we both recognized the value and worth of stepping out and following our passion. It was not always easy, as a matter of fact, there were time when it was really hard but we trusted our vision and the universe and stepped forward, took chances and learned. We have lived and laughed and cried. Every day we stepped into the world with a sense of joy and a desire to be engaged in life, to make a difference and to be of service. Rev Sandi and myself became involved in the Interfaith Ministry over 30 years ago because we were called to celebrate the simple truth that we are all children of the one light and that all spiritual traditions have their foundations in that truth. We were also called to free people from the fear of death and guilt by sharing the absolute awareness that we are Spirit and that we are all eternal. When we began our journey, these truths were not popular and there was much fear and misconceptions associated with being interfaith in perspective. Today the interfaith perspective is much more acceptable but still little understood. We continue to work to articulate what it means to be interfaith and to follow an interfaith faith-path. When we founded the PEI Interfaith Ministry and the Open International Interfaith Ministry we felt that it was important that those who embraced an interfaith perspective have a home – a ministry where they could feel safe and secure to explore their spiritually with reverence and love. There are those who believe that it is enough to just be spiritual and that religions have no relevance in today’s world. I cannot accept that. It has been my experience that people need community and that it is important that we have structures explore our spiritual natures with reverence and safety. The challenge is to create structures that will support diversity and self expression. As a community we celebrate all of the world’s diverse religious and spiritual traditions and reject fear and intolerance in spiritual practice. We understand that we are spiritual beings living a physical existence. We know that God is love and that there is not just one path to the divine source. We celebrate the fact that the God source – the ALL – is the foundation of all religions and spiritual paths. Once we established the Ministry, the next step was to create a seminary to allow students to become Ordained Interfaith Ministers and follow a path of service. This was not a simple things to undertake but after several years of work the OIIM Seminary – the iNtuitive Times Institute ( NTI) was created. Through it, we offer a number of 4 year programs with the goal of creating a community of trained professional Interfaith Ministers and Spiritual Practitioners who have made a choice to be of service and celebrate diversity. As we prepare for our upcoming 10 day NTI Spiritual Retreat, I am filled with great joy and optimism for the future. Our NTI students will attend from across the country to participate in the program. They will explore areas such as counseling, ministering, working with Spirit and the Interfaith movement. They are the foundation which will shape the future of the Interfaith faith-path. I see in them the presence of the God source, the joy of living, the passion for truth and the desire to make a difference which Rev Sandi and I felt years ago and still feel. We have been blessed to have had the privilege to help nurture a new generation of Interfaith truth-seekers who will continue to work to change the world one person at a time. In time, we will succeed. A hundred years ago, each of us probably would have lived in a small geographical area for most of our lives. We would have had very little exposure to other cultures, other peoples or other ways. In fact, we would have probably been afraid of things that we did not understand or that were new and alien to us. Like many people of the time, we may have retreated to that which was familiar for safety and security. We lived in a small world. We rejected change and retreated to what we knew.
We can no longer live in the security of a small world. The world has changed. We are the children of a new world, and to live in it we must embrace new ways. We live in wondrous times. Unlike a hundred years ago, today we are connected to a global community - we are connected to the world. Unlike any other time in human history, we are blessed with the opportunity to experience the landscape, the cultures, the religions and the peoples of the world in ways that have never been possible before. We have gone beyond the limitations of mother earth and have seen the birth of stars and walked on other celestial bodies. Yet we live in fear because we cannot let go of our small world ways. We do not understand that even though the world is filled with many cultures, many religions and many ways, we are one people. We still retreat from that which is different, and fear that which we do not understand. Even though the world has changed, and we see its myriad of forms, faiths and peoples, we have been afraid to embrace our new heritage - to free ourselves with a clearer view of the truth. The key to interfaith harmony is to focus on the essential oneness of all faiths, of all cultures, of all peoples. In a complex world, accepting diversity allows us to experience a richer and more beautiful world. When we look at the beautiful, diverse world that God has created for us to live in, it is clear to us that God is a God of diversity. There is not just one type of tree, or one type of bird, or one type of flower, or one type of person. The world is populated with a multitude of forms which are trees, and birds, and flowers, and people in all shapes, sizes and colours. This diversity makes the world more beautiful. If we believe that God is infinite and incomprehensible, then one place to begin to understand God is to embrace the knowledge that in this diverse and beautiful world created by God, it is only natural that God should manifest the message of unconditional love in many ways to many peoples. God is a God of many faces. We celebrate these many faces of God represented by different religious traditions and rejoice that we have been given such a beautiful and diverse world: “The paths are many, the truth is one. Love thy neighbour.” The Interfaith Ministry affirms that God is love and that there are many paths to God. There are a number of common denominators which unite us. One is our desire to eliminate intolerance and prejudice in spiritual practice. Another is our readiness to testify in a reverend and respectful to the reality of the Spiritual world and the subtle faculties of psychic and Spiritual vision through which it may be perceived. Our activities help people find their own personal understanding and proofs as to the reality and nature of Spirit and the Spirit world. Central to the interfaith message is the certain knowledge that we are eternal and that divine guidance is available to people of all traditions who sincerely open themselves to it. Rev Barry King, PhD(TC) is President of the Prince Edward Island and the Open International Interfaith Ministry (OIIM) and the Educational Director of its seminary program, the iNtuitive Times Institute (NTI). |
About the Author:
Rev. Dr. Barry King has worked with Spirit now for over 35 years and he has earned the designation through the OIIM and the iNtuitive Times Institute of master Spiritual Medium. He has a rich background with experience as a museum professional, educator, naturalist, artist, illustrator, author, editor, intuitive, counsellor and interfaith minister. He has worked with children and adults in both informal and formal settings as an educator and has developed curricula for a variety of audiences for over 35 years. Having a strong connection to Spirit since birth, he has worked to develop his intuitive gifts over the last 35 years. In that time, He has dedicated himself to sharing the certain knowledge that there is no death and that we are Spirit. Barry has an active practice for readings and consultations. He is well known for his gentle & intuitive approach. Rev. King has worked for 35 years as an interfaith pastoral / spiritual counsellor helping people develop their spiritual connections and guidance. Through the PEI Interfaith Ministry, he encourages people to embrace the knowledge that intuitive gifts are everyone's birth right. Archives
October 2017