This affirmational exercise " I am Present in my Life " celebrates the ability to be present in our lives and to experience calmness and stillness. In the chaotic world that we live in, it's difficult to find peacefulness and a way to not allow chaos to rule our lives keeping us unfocused and chaotic ourselves. ( 10 min 15 sec)
Rev Barry King shares a bit about affirmations & how we can use them in our lives to reprogram ourselves and be happier ~ more joyful. ( 5 min 15 Sec)
Rev Dr Barry talks about the truth that we are what we beieve. That our thoughts and our beliefs are in many ways responsible for what we live. ( 3 min 14 sec)
Master Rev Dr Barry shares that we are what we believe and that this belief has a huge impact of our physicality and our reality becuase in truth we are Eterenal Infinite Spirit and we are Mind !
Master Rev Dr Barry talks about Thoughts as a energy ~ a force that those who are sensitive have to deal with on a regular basis.
Use the Power of Affirmative Thought
to Change your Life!
Affirmations are powerful tool to help us reprogram ourselves and change our inner voice so that it becomes more positive, more affirmative, and allows us to focus and be present. Affirmations allow us to live in the now and not spend our time worrying about the past or about the future.
Affirmations speak to our subconscious mind so that we can reject fear and be more present in the moment and actually take charge of our lives. It is important that we understand that when you fear something, you choose to give that fear power and in essence live that fear every day.
Affirmations help us experience and be in the present so that we can choose the path forward and be joyful.
You are Eternal Infinite Spirit and as such you are Infinite Expansive Mind choosing to rise above the limitations of our physical reality. You are aware that your thoughts create your reality and that what you believe is what you manifest in your life.
Rev Dr Barry King has been working with Spirit in concrete ways for over 40 years. He is registered and celebrated as a Master Psychic Medium having worked done tens of thousands of readings over his career. He is also an Ordained Interfaith Minister, has a Doctorate in Counselling, is a Reiki Master, and a Naturopathic Therapist.
This short affirmation will help you be in the present and focus on the things that you wish to embrace in your daily life. ( 3 min 23 Sec )
Master Rev Dr Barry King takes you on an affirmatal journey celebrating that you are Eternal Infinte Spirit and that you are connected to Divine Mind. Celebrate with joy your connection to the All ! ( 58 sec )