Video - Interfaith Sharings
The audio and video material provided below will give you some insight as to what we believe and
hopefully will also give you some inspiration on your Spiritual journey.
We believe that we are all brothers and sisters who share a common heritage as spiritual beings experiencing a physical existence. We also believe that hatred, fear and intolerance have no place in spiritual practice as they are grounded in physicality. It is through sharing our diverse perceptions of Spirit that we are enriched and break down the barriers
which separate us allowing us all to express our full potential as children of the One Light.
This is an Amazing song which speaks to the Interfaith - Interspiritual Perspective. We often use it at the beginning of our Interfaith celebrations / services. Enjoy. Share it - It is a message that many need. It is called "The Gift of Acceptance" and was sung at the 2010 Nobel Prize Awards by India Aire. |
India Arie, Prayer for Humanity, 8-7-11, Gaia Festival |
An Amazing sharing of Interfaith Sacred Dance to Loreena Mckennitt 's Marco Polo |