Readings are approximately 45 minutes in length.
$95 + Tax
Includes a short spiritual healing at the beginning.
You are welcome to bring your own recorder or smart phone (recommended)
We do record the session and can email a copy to you after processing for a small fee.
Even though at present our Charlottetown Centre in Prince Edward Island is our primary location, I do one-on-one personal readings in Charlottetown and Summerside, Prince Edward Island: Moncton, Saint John and Fredericton, New Brunswick: and Halifax, Nova Scotia on a regular basis.
$95 + Tax
Includes a short spiritual healing at the beginning.
You are welcome to bring your own recorder or smart phone (recommended)
We do record the session and can email a copy to you after processing for a small fee.
Even though at present our Charlottetown Centre in Prince Edward Island is our primary location, I do one-on-one personal readings in Charlottetown and Summerside, Prince Edward Island: Moncton, Saint John and Fredericton, New Brunswick: and Halifax, Nova Scotia on a regular basis.
Interfaith Spiritual Director
"covered by most extended health care plans"
Rev. Barry King is a Registered Interfaith Spiritual Director and offers sessions at his offices in Halifax, NS, Charlottetown, PEI and Saint John, NB. He is also available for sessions by phone or skype. He charges $75 for a 45 minute session. For more information email him at [email protected] or give him a call.
What is an Interfaith Spiritual Director?
An Interfaith Spiritual Director’s goal is to assist you in drawing on the many spiritual practices and/or religions that speak to you. They may offer or suggest other practices, which they believe, from listening to you, will assist you on your spiritual journey. The focus on Spiritual Direction is empowering you to develop personal tools that deepen your connection to the Divine of your understanding.
Myth - Spiritual Directors shove their religion down your throat - OIIM Spiritual Directors are trained in many of the world’s religions and are trained and even called to this ministry because they honour your choices.