Visit & Experience your Past Lives.
Past- Life regressions are a powerful therapeutic tool and a technique
that can help you understand and experience your past lives.
that can help you understand and experience your past lives.
One of the threads of evidence to the reality of the fact that we are eternal, infinite Spirit is the evidence that we have lived lives before. A belief in reincarnation is embraced by over 40% of humanity and there is a significant amount of sound scientific research which supports its reality in our lives.
About a Past-Life Regression I have been doing Past-life Regressions for many years now. Using a meditative, hypnotic process, you are taken safely and comfortably back to experience previous lives and gain healing and understanding from them.
A past-life regression is grounded in the understanding that you have lived before and that in some way these previous lives have an impact on your current life. This means that having a past-life regression can be therapeutic as well as fascinating and engaging. Over the years, I have had many people who have experienced a therapeutic effect - a healing - from their session. For instance going into and experiencing the source of a phobia such as a fear of heights or a fear of dogs or of the dark in a past life can cause that fear to disappear when you return to this life. Usually in a regression, you will visit more than 1 lifetime and each one you visit will have relevance and meaning to your present life. Many people the first time they have a past life regression will experience actually being in their body in a number of the past lives they visit in a very concrete way. Others lives, you will experience as if you are watching it from above. It is important that you be comfortable and relaxed to be able to be present in the experience. It is important that you be comfortable and relaxed. It is also easier but not necessary for you to have some experience with the meditative process so that it is not new to you for the regression. In a group session, each person's experience is different as they travel to relevant lives to gain insight and understanding of how your past lives are affecting you in the present. Online & In-person Regressions Sessions I am available to do private, individual sessions by appointment in Charlottetown or online. I also do a Group Past-life Regression Workshop on a regular basis. In Charlottetown, we tend to do a group session as a public program every few months. |
Book a Past-Life Regression Below Children's Past Life Memories Research
The following excerpt was taken from an interview that Rev Sandi and I did with Dr. Carol Bowman in 2004. Carol has conducted a great amount of research on the past life memories of children and has written 2 books on the subject. |
Short Past-Life Meditation
Below is a short meditation which takes you on a short past-life journey to experience a life where you developed a special talent you have brought into this current life from a previous life. It will give you a sense of how a Past-Life Regression Meditation works and will make you familiar with the process. |
YOU HAVE Lived Before?
The belief in reincarnation is as old as religion itself. It is more widely accepted by the Eastern religions than the West. The belief is especially central to Hinduism. The Hindu Scriptures, such as the Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita, refer pointedly to reincarnation. The Gita notes:
“As leaving aside worn-out garments A man takes other, new ones, So leaving aside worn-out bodies To other, new ones goes the embodied (soul).” I particularly like the way that Benjamin Franklin expressed his belief in reincarnation and the purposefulness of life when he had the following inscribed on his tombstone: “The body of B. Franklin Printer, Like the cover of an old book, Its contents torn out and Stripped of its lettering & gilding lies here But the book shall not be lost, For it will as he believed appear once more In a new and more elegant edition Revised and corrected by the author.” |
Reincarnation affirms that the soul must experience a succession of rebirths - a cycle of birth-death-rebirth - until it achieves a state of divine perfection. The principal purpose of reincarnation is said to be the perfectibility of man. Rebirth provides the opportunity to learn certain lessons that are necessary for our development and progress. It is estimated that two-thirds of the world's population believes in reincarnation.
It is important to distinguish between Reincarnation and Transmigration. Reincarnation is the soul's rebirth- incarnation into the form of a human, while Transmigration is the soul's rebirth - incarnation, into any form. This means the individual could return as an insect, a donkey or even an elephant depending on the quality of his or her previous life. Both schools of thought teach rebirth, a succession of lifetimes on earth granted to us to attempt to attain spiritual perfection. Transmigration is the earlier and is considered by many to be the more primitive, since it is the version which allows the soul to be embodied in any form of life, including insects and the lower animals.
Plato wrote, "Every soul is immortal - for whatever is in perpetual motion is immortal ... All that is soul presides over all that is without soul and patrols all heaven, now appearing in one form and now in another ... Every man's soul has by the law of his birth been a spectator of eternal truth, or it would never have passed into this our mortal frame, yet still it is no easy matter for all to be reminded of their past by their present existence."
Carl G. Jung, the famous psycho-analysist said, "I could well imagine that I might have lived in former centuries and there encountered questions I was not yet able to answer; that I had to be born again because I had not fulfilled the task that was given to me...A creative determinant must decide what souls will plunge again into birth ... It is possible that any further spell of three-dimensional life would have no more meaning once the soul had reached a certain stage of understanding; it would then no longer have to return, fuller understanding having put to rout the desire for re-embodiment.
Advocates of reincarnation indicate that the Bible supports this belief. In John 9: 1-3, we read, "As he passed by, he saw a man blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' Jesus answered, 'It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be made manifest in him..." In Matthew 17: 11-13 we find , "He replied, 'Elijah does come, and he is to restore all things; but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they pleased. So also the Son of man will suffer at their hands.' Then the disciples understood that he as speaking of John the Baptist."
"For me, the belief in our ability to grow spiritually in understanding depends on the acceptance of the idea that we can choose to have more than one lifetime in the physical. If we did not, we would not have the opportunity to correct our mistakes, make amends or express what we have learned through action. It is only through our time in this great classroom, that we are now in, that we can experience the challenges of a physical existence.
I believe that life is purposeful and that we grow and become aware through our choices in life from both the physical and from the Spirit realms.
It is important to distinguish between Reincarnation and Transmigration. Reincarnation is the soul's rebirth- incarnation into the form of a human, while Transmigration is the soul's rebirth - incarnation, into any form. This means the individual could return as an insect, a donkey or even an elephant depending on the quality of his or her previous life. Both schools of thought teach rebirth, a succession of lifetimes on earth granted to us to attempt to attain spiritual perfection. Transmigration is the earlier and is considered by many to be the more primitive, since it is the version which allows the soul to be embodied in any form of life, including insects and the lower animals.
Plato wrote, "Every soul is immortal - for whatever is in perpetual motion is immortal ... All that is soul presides over all that is without soul and patrols all heaven, now appearing in one form and now in another ... Every man's soul has by the law of his birth been a spectator of eternal truth, or it would never have passed into this our mortal frame, yet still it is no easy matter for all to be reminded of their past by their present existence."
Carl G. Jung, the famous psycho-analysist said, "I could well imagine that I might have lived in former centuries and there encountered questions I was not yet able to answer; that I had to be born again because I had not fulfilled the task that was given to me...A creative determinant must decide what souls will plunge again into birth ... It is possible that any further spell of three-dimensional life would have no more meaning once the soul had reached a certain stage of understanding; it would then no longer have to return, fuller understanding having put to rout the desire for re-embodiment.
Advocates of reincarnation indicate that the Bible supports this belief. In John 9: 1-3, we read, "As he passed by, he saw a man blind from his birth. And his disciples asked him, 'Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' Jesus answered, 'It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be made manifest in him..." In Matthew 17: 11-13 we find , "He replied, 'Elijah does come, and he is to restore all things; but I tell you that Elijah has already come, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they pleased. So also the Son of man will suffer at their hands.' Then the disciples understood that he as speaking of John the Baptist."
"For me, the belief in our ability to grow spiritually in understanding depends on the acceptance of the idea that we can choose to have more than one lifetime in the physical. If we did not, we would not have the opportunity to correct our mistakes, make amends or express what we have learned through action. It is only through our time in this great classroom, that we are now in, that we can experience the challenges of a physical existence.
I believe that life is purposeful and that we grow and become aware through our choices in life from both the physical and from the Spirit realms.