One Divine Mind ~ One Divine Truth ~ One Divine Presence
is Celebrated in the
Myriad of Spiritual Traditions
Rev Barry talks about the fact that we all celebrate the same Divine Presence in our lives no matter what our tradition is. He call this an Integrative Spirit Community.
Over the years, one of the things that my work has proven to me is that we are eternal, infinite. Spirit encased in a physical body choosing to live a physical life – choosing to live the illusion of limitation. We are not only connected to Divine Mind and filled by Divine Presence but we are also connected to each other.
As Spirit, we have a number of natural gifts that we have inherited. These gifts include such things as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, aura sensing, prophesy, divination, healing and others. These gifts are as natural to us as taking a breath of clean fresh air but many of us choose to reject them as we become immersed in our physical life. To some in the physical, psychic gifts ( soul gifts) come easier than to others just as the ability to play a piano or do math comes easier to some. We all have gifts and everyone is psychic. We all have the ability to work with the unseen world. It is natural because we are Spirit. The more we accept it and the more we use it, the easier it will be to normalize it and incorporate it into our lives.
To me, today, the reality of the Spiritual realms and of God is not a matter of faith but is an absolute truth based on personal experience. I have been blessed with experiences whose foundations in the physical world allow me to testify with absolute assurance that we are immortal and that God – the Divine Presence – moves in each of our lives. I have now been working as an intuitive for over 30 years and have had the opportunity to do many thousands of readings. These readings have provided me with many personal proofs and confirmations as to the reality of Spirit and the Spirit Realms.
As Spirit, we have a number of natural gifts that we have inherited. These gifts include such things as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, aura sensing, prophesy, divination, healing and others. These gifts are as natural to us as taking a breath of clean fresh air but many of us choose to reject them as we become immersed in our physical life. To some in the physical, psychic gifts ( soul gifts) come easier than to others just as the ability to play a piano or do math comes easier to some. We all have gifts and everyone is psychic. We all have the ability to work with the unseen world. It is natural because we are Spirit. The more we accept it and the more we use it, the easier it will be to normalize it and incorporate it into our lives.
To me, today, the reality of the Spiritual realms and of God is not a matter of faith but is an absolute truth based on personal experience. I have been blessed with experiences whose foundations in the physical world allow me to testify with absolute assurance that we are immortal and that God – the Divine Presence – moves in each of our lives. I have now been working as an intuitive for over 30 years and have had the opportunity to do many thousands of readings. These readings have provided me with many personal proofs and confirmations as to the reality of Spirit and the Spirit Realms.
You are Eternal Infinite, Incomprehensible Spirit…Bigger than you can Imagine
You are Eternal Infinite Spirit choosing to live the illusion of limitation immersed in a physical life. You have chosen to accept the challenges that the life you have accepted brings you and to learn and grow and be enriched. The limitation feels very real and is very hard at times but it is still an illusion and you are working to rise above it and be joyful and free. You are more because of the challenges you accept and learn from. Knowing that life is purposeful is an important truth to embrace because it can free you from fear and from being disempowered
You are Eternal Infinite Spirit choosing to live the illusion of limitation immersed in a physical life. You have chosen to accept the challenges that the life you have accepted brings you and to learn and grow and be enriched. The limitation feels very real and is very hard at times but it is still an illusion and you are working to rise above it and be joyful and free. You are more because of the challenges you accept and learn from. Knowing that life is purposeful is an important truth to embrace because it can free you from fear and from being disempowered
Believing In God What is your spiritual practice and how do you approach your spiritual life? How do you believe in God? Barry discusses the nature of spiritual life and Divine Mind and its power in our lives. |
Rev Barry talks about the connection that we have with the Divine and how we can integrate it into our lives in a purposeful and meaningful way.
About Being Psychic by Rev. Barry King
I have always been sensitive to the world of Spirit. As a child, I remember a small white ball of light which would float just above a day couch in my room and sing to me at night. The singing was in a woman’s voice and was the most beautiful, calming sound. Today, I know the light was an angel and the singing was an angel’s voice.
I can still hear it in my mind today.
I also remember going to sleep at night and waking up in a place where the kindest and gentlest people would talk to me and show me around. They looked beautiful and healthy and were filled with light and joy. While I was visiting, I was conscious of my body being back in the bed asleep and even though everyone was very nice, I would try to make my body wake up because I was not suppose to be talking to dead people (people in Spirit). In time, I trained myself not to have these experiences. I still have vivid memories of those excursions into the Heaven world. It is also important to know that I was not aware that everyone was not having these experiences. They were normal to me and I assumed they were normal to everyone. It was only as I grew older that I became aware that the experiences I was having were considered unusual. I had to wait until I became an adult and found the Interfaith Ministry before I was able to allow my gifts to manifest in a meaningful way.
The more that I work with Spirit and psychic phenomena, the clearer it becomes to me that all things are possible. That just as we are infinite and eternal, so are the potential manifestations of Spirit in the physical world. When thoughts are things, all things have the potential to take form and manifest if given enough energy. That is why what we think and how we think is so important. Our thoughts have the power to shape and mold the world we live in.
Readings are by nature positive and constructive providing people with the tools they need to meet the challenges they have undertaken in this life. When beginning a reading it is not necessary to ask the client why they have come, Spirit knows the issues and addresses them in a loving and gentle way. Even today, I stand in awe of this wonderful gift and the power it has to heal when shared through love.
A year or so ago, a man came to me for a reading. This man was clearly not one who visits a psychic on a regular basis. Still, Spirit had brought him to me. When he walked into the room, I became aware of his son who was in the Spirit world. His son was sitting in a red sports car and looking very happy and comfortable. The car was a shiny new convertible with bucket seats and white- walled tires. When the man sat down, I told him that his son was there and described the car he was sitting in. The son said that he wanted his father to know that he was fine and that he was still enjoying traveling around in the car. He also told his father that he should stop worrying about him. He had made the transition into Spirit comfortably and was enjoying his new life. His father was by now in tears and told me that the car I described was the car his son had been killed in two years earlier. He also told me that he had not been able to stop worrying about his son because he had died so young and tragically. He had not been able to let go. After he and his son shared some more of their thoughts, his son retreated back into the Heaven world.
I could see a great weight being lifted off the man’s shoulders as he spoke to his son. That day, that man left knowing that we are eternal and that his son was alive and well in the Spirit realm. He also knew that they would be reunited when he made his transition.
I would like to share with everyone the wonderful feeling of standing with a foot in both worlds. I am here to tell you that no one is ever lost from the heart of God and that each of us in our own way, in our own time, will know and understand our Spiritual heritage. We are all Spiritual beings. We are all psychic and connected to Spirit. To some, it comes easier and in greater measure but it is a natural birthright for us all. Unfortunately, many of us reject our natural connections to the Spirit realms as we become immersed in the physical world and modern society.
I could see a great weight being lifted off the man’s shoulders as he spoke to his son. That day, that man left knowing that we are eternal and that his son was alive and well in the Spirit realm. He also knew that they would be reunited when he made his transition.
I would like to share with everyone the wonderful feeling of standing with a foot in both worlds. I am here to tell you that no one is ever lost from the heart of God and that each of us in our own way, in our own time, will know and understand our Spiritual heritage. We are all Spiritual beings. We are all psychic and connected to Spirit. To some, it comes easier and in greater measure but it is a natural birthright for us all. Unfortunately, many of us reject our natural connections to the Spirit realms as we become immersed in the physical world and modern society.
Rev. Barry Talks About Readings Rev Barry talks about doing readings and the connection and insight that can be gained through the guidance that Spirit brings. |
Exploring Spirituality in Safety Rev Barry talks about creating the Interfaith Ministry to provide a place where people could explore their understanding of Spiritual life in an inclusive and supportive environment. |
Two Basic Truths Rev Barry King explores two basic truths for those of us living a life in the physical. The first is that we are Spirit choosing to live a physical life and the second is that life is by nature purposeful and that we move through it through the power of choice. |
In the MIND OF THE ALL: Our Conscious Universe
By Rev Barry King
By Rev Barry King
We in the Interfaith Movement, who embrace a path which celebrates a unifying and universal approach to our understanding of God, are the benefactors of a philosophy which is thousands of years old. In this philosophy, we are aware that there is but one Ultimate Reality which is known in the world’s religions by many names. This fundamental consciousness is the foundation of the universe.
Representative of this philosophy, we see in Hermetic Philosophic Tradition, that this Ultimate Reality is called “THE ALL”. It is stated in The Kybalion:
“THE ALL must be ALL that REALLY IS. There can be nothing existing outside of THE ALL. Else THE ALL would not be THE ALL..... THE ALL is also INFINITE, ETERNAL, UNCHANGEABLE and can be called INFINITE LIVING MIND or SPIRIT..... THE UNIVERSE, AND ALL IT CONTAINS, IS A MENTAL CREATION OF THE ALL. Verily indeed, ALL IS MIND!”
This philosophical view lays a foundation for us to understand how the physical reality we live in was created. It also provides a way for us to understand the “God Head” or “Ultimate Reality” that we see reflected in the world’s many religious traditions and cultures. Whether there is one or many universes, this foundation affirms the “spiritual truth” that we are all children of - or part of - this “Universal Consciousness.” We exist in the MIND of THE ALL.
If we exist as a thought in the MIND OF THE ALL, how can life or the universe for that matter be purposeful? Are we destined to go through the motions following a pre-written script? Is there no free-will? I believe that we do indeed have free-will and that the universe has been set in motion with natural and spiritual laws which allow us and the universe to evolve. Each of us is a “Spirit” spark, temporarily separated from THE ALL – the Source – to experience and grow over many lifetimes within the physical and other realities. THE ALL lives in all living things and experiences the richness of a physical reality through us. This truth is articulated in many ways through many cultures. An ancient text from India states: “He manifested Himself as creation. It is He alone who is born into the world. He lives as all beings; it is only Him everywhere.”
Until recently, the belief that we are the creation of God or “the MIND OF THE ALL,” was a matter of faith and was not reflected in our scientific understanding of the Universe. This is no longer true. Astrophysicists Bernard Haisch notes in his book The Purpose-Guided Universe: Believing in Eistein, Darwin and God that the creation of our physical reality by consciousness is already built into “Quantum Physics” and that this has received validation by vigorous and ingenious experiments over the last fifty years or more. The two most prominent and accomplished astrophysicists of the last century were Sir James Jeans and Sir Arthur Eddington. Both expressed the view that consciousness was likely the foundation of the universe itself. Sir James Jeans wrote in his book The Mysterious Universe: “The universe itself begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine.” The understanding that consciousness is the foundation of the universe we live in is gaining more and more acceptance and is the foundation of Quantum Physics.
Haisch tells us that the universe we live in has the perfect natural laws for the creation of the conditions which would allow for life to evolve. For example, if the ratio of gravity to the electric force was stronger, it would have resulted in smaller stars with shorter lifespans and crowded galaxies. This would have not allowed the time for the evolution of life as we know it. Also the conditions in our universe are just right for the formation of carbon and oxygen with the correct energy resonance allowing stars to form. In our universe, water has unusual properties when compared to other liquids making its boiling point unusually high allowing for it to remain a liquid for critical biological processes. Water also has the special quality of being less dense when frozen allowing it to float on top of liquid water. This has obvious advantages when we consider that life as we know it evolved in the oceans. These are just a few of the coincidences which make life in our universe possible. In his book The Purpose-Guided Universe: Believing in Eistein, Darwin and God, Haisch discusses a number of the “just right” conditions which science has found which makes our universe perfect for life.
He notes that if the universe does not have as its foundation a guiding consciousness, then it’s laws must have occurred by chance. If this is the case, then we live in a multi-verse and there are many universes with all possible combinations of laws guiding their development. The challenge with the notion, that our universe is one of many and that chance has created the perfect conditions for life, is the incredibly low probability that it could happen. The chances of it happening statistically are 1 in 10 to the power of 500. To understand the magnitude of this unlikely possibility, one must understand that the number of atoms in our universe is 10 to the power of 80. That means that the likelihood of our universe being as it is by chance is 1 in 5 times the number of the atoms found in our universe. That is an unimaginably low probability. It would seem that it is no less probable that the universe was created by a conscious act of creation using physical laws to allow for the development and evolution of life.
We are blessed to live in an amazing period in human history. As our understanding of the universe and its foundations grow, the line that separates science from our spiritual understanding is becoming less defined. As our understanding of the world’s many religious and spiritual traditions grows, we become more aware that we share a common fundamental spiritual truth which unites us all. The Interfaith Movement is a natural and necessary development in the healing of the world we live in.
The Purpose-Guided Universe: Believing in Eistein, Darwin and God by Bernard Haisch
The Perennial Philosophy by Aldous Huxley.
The Kybalion by Three Initiates
“I am a Spiritual medium and, as such, I have worked channelling messages from the Spirit Realm for many years. A channelled message is different than an inspirational message or a reading. In a channelled message Spirit fills me and speaks directly through me. It sounds a bit different from regular speech in part because Spirit is not used to speaking with words and must search a bit for the correct words to share. It is a profoundly uplifting and comfortable process for me. I hope you find this sharing helpful.”
“I am a Spiritual medium and, as such, I have worked channelling messages from the Spirit Realm for many years. A channelled message is different than an inspirational message or a reading. In a channelled message Spirit fills me and speaks directly through me. It sounds a bit different from regular speech in part because Spirit is not used to speaking with words and must search a bit for the correct words to share. It is a profoundly uplifting and comfortable process for me. I hope you find this sharing helpful.”
Channeling Session: Divine Mind Rev Barry channels a message from Spirit which explores the our two minds – the mind of the physical and the mind of the Divine. Spirit gives us guidance on how to rise above the limitations of the physical. |
Channeling Session: You are Eternal Spirit Rev Barry channels a message from Spirit which explores the nature and value of the work of Spirit here in the physical and the value of being born into a physical life. |
The Top Things “Dead” People Want You to Know
We are Spirit! I have worked with Spirit for over 30 years and the wonderful thing about this is that it is true. ......
The Top Things “Dead” People Want You to Know
in their own words,
1. They’re not ‘dead’....
2. They're sorry for any pain they caused.
3.There is no such thing as a devil of hell.
4. You're not ready.
5. They finally understand what they were missing.
6. Nothing can prepare you for
the beauty of the moment you arrive.
7. Don't try to understand this now, but life is exceedingly fair.
8. Your pets are as crazy, brilliant and loving,
here, as they were there.
9. Life really is about love,
but not just loving those who love you.
The Top Things “Dead” People Want You to Know
in their own words,
1. They’re not ‘dead’....
2. They're sorry for any pain they caused.
3.There is no such thing as a devil of hell.
4. You're not ready.
5. They finally understand what they were missing.
6. Nothing can prepare you for
the beauty of the moment you arrive.
7. Don't try to understand this now, but life is exceedingly fair.
8. Your pets are as crazy, brilliant and loving,
here, as they were there.
9. Life really is about love,
but not just loving those who love you.
A Few Basic Principles
You do not have a soul, you are a soul.
Even though you are housed in a physical body, you are not a physical entity.
You are eternal and of Spirit.
You have been given free will.
We have been given the opportunity to choose our path and to make mistakes and to grow. We live in a universe of free choice. God does not make choices for us and there is no devil to blame our actions on. We choose. We make mistakes. We learn. We grow.
It is important to note that thoughts are things.
Thoughts, if given enough energy, will become manifest. Another way of saying this is , “As you think, so it is.” Therefore, if you believe the world is an unfriendly place, it will be. It is also true that if you believe the world is full of joy, you will find joy at every turn. (What do you choose?)
The world of Spirit is a world of thought.
Thoughts in the Spirit realms are immediately manifested. If you wish to live in a great mansion, you do. If you wish to travel to other planets and see miraculous sights, you will.
In the physical, thoughts also become things but it is a slower and more tedious process. The chair you are sitting in was once a thought form and now it has been translated into the physical. The physical is made of much slower vibrations than that of Spirit so it takes more energy and effort to manifest. Things in the physical must be shaped and molded, but be assured, the world you live in is the product of your thoughts – both the negative and the positive.
The Spiritual path is a path of challenges
When you step onto the Spiritual path, you are saying to God, “Challenge me!.” You have chosen the circumstances you were born into. They provided you with the best potential to learn and experience the things that you have chosen to experience in this life. It is only in the physical that one can experience the things of the physical such as pain, suffering, loss, grief, frustration, etc. It is not what you go through in this life which moves you forward along the path but what you choose to do with it.
Everything happens for a reason.
Life is purposeful. In some ways, you can never make a mistake. Everything you do has consequences and those consequences provide us with opportunities to learn. If you have made a choice which has moved you into an unpleasant consequence, then learning from it will hopefully mean that you will not make the same choice again. If you have not learned from the experience, you will have another opportunity. Every choice moves us forward along our path.
You are measured not by your deeds but by your thoughts.
f you do good things because you feel you have to or will be punished if you don’t, then from the point of view of our Spiritual growth, what is the value of doing those good things. Things must be done because they are right, not because you are afraid. It is your intent that infuses what you do. It is your intent which is measured and evaluated when it comes time for you to look at your life from the Spirit realm. So even though you may have a lifetime of apparently good deeds, you may not reap the benefits of those deeds, if they were done through greed, or fear, or the need for power or control. It is your thoughts which matter.
Remember that every thought is a prayer.
It is not only when you call a thought a prayer that God listens. God hears your thoughts whether you are officially praying or not. As mentioned earlier, treat every thought as if it will become a reality. That means that when you have a negative thought, you must learn to transform it into a positive. Today is not a difficult day – “Today is a wonderful day to be alive. Thank you for the challenges which have provided me with the opportunity to grow.” Affirmations are important because they work. “Every thought is a thing”.
Even though you are housed in a physical body, you are not a physical entity.
You are eternal and of Spirit.
You have been given free will.
We have been given the opportunity to choose our path and to make mistakes and to grow. We live in a universe of free choice. God does not make choices for us and there is no devil to blame our actions on. We choose. We make mistakes. We learn. We grow.
It is important to note that thoughts are things.
Thoughts, if given enough energy, will become manifest. Another way of saying this is , “As you think, so it is.” Therefore, if you believe the world is an unfriendly place, it will be. It is also true that if you believe the world is full of joy, you will find joy at every turn. (What do you choose?)
The world of Spirit is a world of thought.
Thoughts in the Spirit realms are immediately manifested. If you wish to live in a great mansion, you do. If you wish to travel to other planets and see miraculous sights, you will.
In the physical, thoughts also become things but it is a slower and more tedious process. The chair you are sitting in was once a thought form and now it has been translated into the physical. The physical is made of much slower vibrations than that of Spirit so it takes more energy and effort to manifest. Things in the physical must be shaped and molded, but be assured, the world you live in is the product of your thoughts – both the negative and the positive.
The Spiritual path is a path of challenges
When you step onto the Spiritual path, you are saying to God, “Challenge me!.” You have chosen the circumstances you were born into. They provided you with the best potential to learn and experience the things that you have chosen to experience in this life. It is only in the physical that one can experience the things of the physical such as pain, suffering, loss, grief, frustration, etc. It is not what you go through in this life which moves you forward along the path but what you choose to do with it.
Everything happens for a reason.
Life is purposeful. In some ways, you can never make a mistake. Everything you do has consequences and those consequences provide us with opportunities to learn. If you have made a choice which has moved you into an unpleasant consequence, then learning from it will hopefully mean that you will not make the same choice again. If you have not learned from the experience, you will have another opportunity. Every choice moves us forward along our path.
You are measured not by your deeds but by your thoughts.
f you do good things because you feel you have to or will be punished if you don’t, then from the point of view of our Spiritual growth, what is the value of doing those good things. Things must be done because they are right, not because you are afraid. It is your intent that infuses what you do. It is your intent which is measured and evaluated when it comes time for you to look at your life from the Spirit realm. So even though you may have a lifetime of apparently good deeds, you may not reap the benefits of those deeds, if they were done through greed, or fear, or the need for power or control. It is your thoughts which matter.
Remember that every thought is a prayer.
It is not only when you call a thought a prayer that God listens. God hears your thoughts whether you are officially praying or not. As mentioned earlier, treat every thought as if it will become a reality. That means that when you have a negative thought, you must learn to transform it into a positive. Today is not a difficult day – “Today is a wonderful day to be alive. Thank you for the challenges which have provided me with the opportunity to grow.” Affirmations are important because they work. “Every thought is a thing”.
Audio Meditations