Rev Dr Barry Shares how you can experience true peace & happiness.
The Messages are from Spirit. They are messages that Spirit gave 2 dear lady friends of mine( Rhoda Allen and Randi Peterson) a number of years ago.
The messages were received a talking Board and they were very nervous about sharing them and asked me what I thought. When they shared the messages with me I was amazed with the simplicity and clarity of the messages they received from the Board and these have not been modified from the original messages.
They gave me permission to share them and I published a book of the messages for them so they could be shared. We called the book " Meditations in Daily Living ~ A Search for Self-Truth. Spirit gave them a message for each day of the month.
A pdf of the book is below. I have created a Video for each day of the month and shared that day's message. I have put some of them below for you . I hope you find them helpful.
The messages were received a talking Board and they were very nervous about sharing them and asked me what I thought. When they shared the messages with me I was amazed with the simplicity and clarity of the messages they received from the Board and these have not been modified from the original messages.
They gave me permission to share them and I published a book of the messages for them so they could be shared. We called the book " Meditations in Daily Living ~ A Search for Self-Truth. Spirit gave them a message for each day of the month.
A pdf of the book is below. I have created a Video for each day of the month and shared that day's message. I have put some of them below for you . I hope you find them helpful.
Meditations for Daily Living ...A Search for Self~Truth
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Day 1 - Giving in Love
Rev. Dr. Barry King shares about the benefits of giving in love.
Rev. Dr. Barry King shares about the benefits of giving in love.
Day 6
Nurturing the Spirit
If you would like to read the book of daily meesages
Transcript Know we will be with you as you go to work this morning. You are wishing to stay home. Your presence this morning will be a blessing. You will be of special service to someone. Know that there are those times when what we have to do is not what we want to do. It is in these situations that we grow in grace. It starts with the feeling of having done right. We feel kindly towards ourselves. We know we have grown beyond what we knew and now totally understand a new truth. We are blessed in the knowledge. The blessing is the grace. Know understanding will come to you. Re Rev Barry notes that life is purposeful and not random. As Eternal Infinite Spirit we cannot die and cannot fail. Free will and challenge are the tools we use to grow and become more both here in a physical life and in our higher life. We as Eternal Infinite Spirit crave experience which we can only achieve here in the limitations of the physical. We are Spirit choosing the limitations of a Physical life to Evolve and become.. Rev Dr Barry King has been working with Spirit in concrete ways for over 40 years. He is registered and celebrated as a Master Psychic Medium having done tens of thousands of readings over his career. He is also an Ordained Interfaith Minister, has a Doctorate in Counselling, a Reiki Master, and a Naturopathic Therapist. We invite you to LIKE~SHARE~FOLLOW this podcast. It is a joy for me to work with Spirit and to share it with you.
Transcript Know we will be with you as you go to work this morning. You are wishing to stay home. Your presence this morning will be a blessing. You will be of special service to someone. Know that there are those times when what we have to do is not what we want to do. It is in these situations that we grow in grace. It starts with the feeling of having done right. We feel kindly towards ourselves. We know we have grown beyond what we knew and now totally understand a new truth. We are blessed in the knowledge. The blessing is the grace. Know understanding will come to you. Re Rev Barry notes that life is purposeful and not random. As Eternal Infinite Spirit we cannot die and cannot fail. Free will and challenge are the tools we use to grow and become more both here in a physical life and in our higher life. We as Eternal Infinite Spirit crave experience which we can only achieve here in the limitations of the physical. We are Spirit choosing the limitations of a Physical life to Evolve and become.. Rev Dr Barry King has been working with Spirit in concrete ways for over 40 years. He is registered and celebrated as a Master Psychic Medium having done tens of thousands of readings over his career. He is also an Ordained Interfaith Minister, has a Doctorate in Counselling, a Reiki Master, and a Naturopathic Therapist. We invite you to LIKE~SHARE~FOLLOW this podcast. It is a joy for me to work with Spirit and to share it with you.
It is my Pleasure to share with you
the following Messages from Spirit
Rev Barry talks about how we can be happier if we reduce the complexity of life to it's most important element. If you enjoy this video we ask that you share it and like it.
Rev Barry talks about the Value and Power of facing our pain and letting go. It will help you heal relationships and your heart.
Rev Barry talks about the Self-Esteem and how to achieve it in your life. If you enjoy this video we ask that you share it and like it.
Rev Barry King explores how we learn through the process of loving and accepting guidance from Divine Mind and awareness.
Rev Barry King shares a bit about the struggle we experience as we learn and grow and move towards truth and self-awareness.
Rev Dr Barry King discusses love and what can happen when we ignore the fault lines
Rev Barry King explores how guilt can be a destructive force in our lives and relationships.
Rev Barry King discusses that we are in charge of our lives and our time. Knowing this allows us to get the job done joyfully.
Rev. Dr. Barry discusses the fact that we grow in Grace
when we challenge ourselves .
when we challenge ourselves .
Judging Others
Find Peace Within
Inspiration for You !