There was a time not long ago when we believed that we lived in a physical world limited by the laws which we understood as physical laws. That world is changing and we have discovered that we live in an energetic world and that even though we are in physical bodies we are not necessarily physical by nature because the physical world is energetic and the physicality is an illusion. We are energy. What does that mean? How do we understand that? I don’t really think that we can understand what that means. I think that it is at this point beyond our understanding but we are learning. Quantum Physics – the science of our modern age – recognizes that the Universe has as its foundation consciousness. For a hundred years, it has embraced the reality that the Universe that we live in some way is conscious. For me a Conscious Universe is not that different from the understanding that the Universe is MIND and that is not far from an understanding that the Universe is guided….arises out of DIVINE MIND.
For me, what that means is that we are Spirit. Eternal, Infinite Spirit and that we are connected to or part of Divine Mind. Here we are living the illusion of a physical life in a physical Universe and yet we are not that. Over the years I have seen miraculous things and even though I recognize that being in a physical life has its limitations, I also recognize that I and you are MIND….Eternal Spirit. There is a great deal of research arising out of Quantum Physics which supports the notion that we are not only energetic but that we are connected and that what we do and what we think has a real impact on the world around us.
So what does this have to do with Mind, Body Healing? We have seen the power of the placebo effect. The power of the mind to affect our physical bodies and for the belief that we have taken a medication to create a healing or therapeutic result. To me this suggests that the mind has power over our physical bodies and that we are only beginning to really understand the power of mind and the potential of energetic and vibrational medicine to bring about healing. Here we will explore the power of mind over body.
Another aspect of this approach is one of gratitude and respect for life on this planet and the many gifts that a healthy and stable environment can bring us. We celebrate life and the power of choice and loving intention to bring about change in our lives and the world around us
For me, what that means is that we are Spirit. Eternal, Infinite Spirit and that we are connected to or part of Divine Mind. Here we are living the illusion of a physical life in a physical Universe and yet we are not that. Over the years I have seen miraculous things and even though I recognize that being in a physical life has its limitations, I also recognize that I and you are MIND….Eternal Spirit. There is a great deal of research arising out of Quantum Physics which supports the notion that we are not only energetic but that we are connected and that what we do and what we think has a real impact on the world around us.
So what does this have to do with Mind, Body Healing? We have seen the power of the placebo effect. The power of the mind to affect our physical bodies and for the belief that we have taken a medication to create a healing or therapeutic result. To me this suggests that the mind has power over our physical bodies and that we are only beginning to really understand the power of mind and the potential of energetic and vibrational medicine to bring about healing. Here we will explore the power of mind over body.
Another aspect of this approach is one of gratitude and respect for life on this planet and the many gifts that a healthy and stable environment can bring us. We celebrate life and the power of choice and loving intention to bring about change in our lives and the world around us
Rev Barry King explores the power of being present in your life and being joyful.
Live Consciously Living Consciously is the way to be present in your life and how we can take responsibility for our joy and our challenges. Living is about being conscious and growing. |
Overthinking Rev Barry inspires us to let go of overthinking and to tap into how we really feel. Thoughts are important but feelings are much more important than we realize. Life is about being connected, and this is something we feel. So how do you feel? |
The Power of Affirmations Rev Barry King shares a bit about affirmations and how we can use them in our lives to reprogram ourselves and be happier and more joyful. |
Meditation is One of the Few Tools that Heals The Body -The Mind & The Spirit
I invite you to try one of my waking meditations. Whether you are new to meditation or not, my Waking Meditations are designed to take you on a visual and auditory journey which will inspire and heal. The one below is called " You Are Infinite." You can watch it here or you can download a HD version by clicking on the download icon at the bottom of the video and watch on your TV . I hope you enjoy it.
Join Rev Barry King on a relaxing, uplifting and meditative journey of discovery. Exploring the nature of belonging and feeling connected as well as at home. Enjoy this visual and audio meditation created for those who are new to meditation or enjoy the addition of a powerful visual experience.