Master Rev Dr Barry discusses
Negative Entities and the Fear & Chaos they create
He notes that their Power is Fear-Based and
very limited Power in the Presence of Light
What is Spirit? ~ What is Divine Mind ?
Master Rev Dr Barry talks about what it means to be Spirit & the reality & Nature of Divine Mind. We live a great illusion that we are physical while in reality we are Spirit & we are all connected.
Opening Prayer
This is the prayer or a version of it that I use to open my sessions and workshops working with Spirit. |
Closing Prayer
This is the prayer of a version of it that I use to close my groups and sessions when working with Spirit. |
Thought Workers All !
You are not physical, You are Spirit & you are more than you can imagine. We all work with our thoughts & we become our beliefs, our intentions, our thoughts. We are thought workers not energy workers .
You Are Your Beliefs
Belief is the foundation of our reality and of our ability to shape it. |
What is a Medium?
Master Barry talks a bit about being a medium and the nature of Mediumship. |
Negative Spirits feed on our Fear. To take away their
power, we must take away the fear & embrace
the Absolute Power of the Light
Negative Spirits & Entities
They feed on our fear and our belief. We can take their power away. The White Light Rev Barry talks about the absolute power of the white light to protect. |
Negative Spirits & Their Control
The power that negative entities draw on is our fear. Rev Barry shares how to control them. Lost Souls ~ Spirits Rev Barry discusses how some souls loose their way and become trapped near the physical. |
Inspiration for You
Be Discerning ~ Not a Victim
Rev Barry talks about being discerning and choosing to not allow yourself to be a victim of your fear and people who create it for their own gain.
Rev Barry talks about being discerning and choosing to not allow yourself to be a victim of your fear and people who create it for their own gain.
Positive Thoughts manifest Positive Outcomes.
Our Thoughts & Beliefs Create our Reality
Our Thoughts & Beliefs Create our Reality
You are Protected
As a Loving Soul on a Spiritual Path you are safe and protected. There is nothing to Fear! |
Our New Reality
Master Barry talks about the merging of Quantum Physics and Spirituality to affirm a New Reality that we can now embrace. |
What do You Fear?
Master Barry notes that we live & experience our fears through our thoughts even though they are not yet real. |
Rev Dr Barry shares about where we go when we die.
A Channeled Message from Spirit
In Channeling, Spirit speaks directly through the Spirit Medium.
Rev Barry has been doing Spirit Channeling for many years.
It is comfortable & affirming, allowing
Spirit to speak through him directly.
Rev Barry's thoughts & the Spirit's thoughts merge &
Rev Barry steps aside to allow the Spirit entity to Speak.
Channeled Message through Rev Dr Barry ~ Connection to the Divine
Rev Barry channels a message from Spirit which explores our connection to Divine Mind. Spirit gives us guidance on how to rise above the limitations of the physical.
Channeled Message through Rev Dr Barry ~ The Divine Mind
Rev Barry channels a message from Spirit which explores the our two minds - the mind of the physical and the mind of the Divine. Spirit gives us guidance on how to rise above the limitations of the physical.
Take a Meditative Journey into Peace
Master Barry takes you on a journey into peacefulness
A Waking Meditation ~ I invite you to Experience one of
our Waking Meditations. Experience this meditation
either with your eyes opened or closed.
Rev Barry takes you on a healing journey to visit to the Heaven World Soul Library to receive guidance and healing. If you enjoy this meditation we ask that you share it and like it.
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