We Live in All Things, All Things Live in Us
Being Human is Harder than it seems!
Master Rev Dr Barry King is a Registered Spiritual Counsellor offering professional counselling and helping techniques as well as various holistic wellness and spiritual techniques that enable the client to understand their challenges from a spiritual perspective. The Spiritual Counsellor infuses the counselling sessions with spiritual principles and techniques, empowering clients to use their own resources. We do not ‘fix’ clients as no fix is needed from a spiritual perspective. We do not view clients as having problems as all experiences are seen as part of one’s life journey in the physical. Our role is to help bring that life purpose into clearer perception. Sessions are naturopathic in perspective and Rev Barry is covered as a naturopathic therapist doing a consultations.
If life is feelng too chaotic and you feel you need someone to talk to, I invite you to join me for a private, counselling session at our Centre in Charlottetown, PEI or Online. You will find the surroundings when you come for an appointment to be professional, safe, relaxing and spiritual.
The fee is $ 110 plus HST for a 45 minute session and includes a short spiritual healing at the beginning.
Even though at present our Charlottetown Interfaith Centre in Prince Edward Island is our primary location, I do offer consultations through video and phone sessions.
The fee is $ 110 plus HST for a 45 minute session and includes a short spiritual healing at the beginning.
Even though at present our Charlottetown Interfaith Centre in Prince Edward Island is our primary location, I do offer consultations through video and phone sessions.
Rev Barry talks about how we can be happier if we reduce the complexity of life to it's most important element.
Rev Dr Barry talks a bit about why he became an Interfaith Minister and the value of celebrating Diversity in this Amazing world that we live in .
Love Yourself ~ Rev Barry King Podcast # 2 March 2022
Rev Dr Barry shares a podcast titled " Love Yourself" This podcast explores ways that we can learning to Love ourselves more and provides some tools that can help.
Rev Dr Barry shares a podcast titled " Love Yourself" This podcast explores ways that we can learning to Love ourselves more and provides some tools that can help.