Lesson 8
About Colours in Messages
About Colours in Messages
Colour can be a Powerful tool in messages bring to them
vitality, emotion and meaning.
The videos below will give
you some insight into how you can use colours.
I hope you find them helpful :-)
Bright Blessings
Rev Dr Barry King
vitality, emotion and meaning.
The videos below will give
you some insight into how you can use colours.
I hope you find them helpful :-)
Bright Blessings
Rev Dr Barry King
Colors Every Day
The Rainbow
A Color Meditation
Colors can be very powerful in Meditations. We are able to raise your vibration from the physical vibration (RED) to the higher Spiritual dimensions (PURPLE) through the use of colours. They can raise your vibrations and impact the emotions.
Test Yourself
Questions and Exercises
Questions and Exercises
1. What color speaks to you the strongest and why?
A Color Exercise 2. Follow the Directions in the vdeo to do the Color Exercise I have chosen for you. How did you find the color exercise and was it accurate for you ? |
3. How do we use the vibrations of color everyday?
4. Tell me about the Rainbow !
5. What is your favorite color? Why?
When you have answered the questions please send the answers to me at [email protected].
Thank you so much for being part of the class
and working through the program.
I invite you to join either one of the practice sessions I will be doing with other student once a month or you can move into the Level 2 class which meets regularly every 2 weeks. :-)
and working through the program.
I invite you to join either one of the practice sessions I will be doing with other student once a month or you can move into the Level 2 class which meets regularly every 2 weeks. :-)