- Billets and Psychometry
What Gifts Do I have? Time 1:00 Min
Do Not Overthink ~ Trust Time 2:13 min
The Power of Divine Light Time 2:00 min
Messages ~ Psychometry & Billets
Time 2:55 Min |
Messages ~ Psychometry & Billets
Time 2:55 Min |
How to Do a Billet !
I would like you to do a billet (Spirit Message) for each person you are givig a message to. Relax into it and allow the images / information to flow.
Here is the process. It is important to try and use the process as outlined below. :-) Relax and don't overthink them. :-)
Use the names provided from the class.......
You will need a square piece of paper for each of the names including yours.
Step 1.On each sheet write one of the names. Note that you should do one for yourself as well.
Step 2. Fold each sheet exactly the same - over once and then over once again so you cannot see the name that is written
Step 3: Once you have done that put them all in a bowl or something and mix them up. You do not want to know whose is whose. Each of these papers is known as a billet.
Step 4: Now take one out and hold it between the palms of both hands and close your eyes. Take a few breaths and allow yourself to drift into a meditative state. Now what do you feel? Do you see colours or symbols? Do you see images or feel any emotions? Ask if there is a message for this person? Remember that messages should be constructive - empowering. Record what you felt,saw,and intuited on the back of the paper and place it to one side.
Step 5: Now do another. Continue until you have done each of the billets.
Step 6: Once you have done them all open them up and place the name of the person it is for on the outside of the paper so you can tell whose it is
Step 7: Once you have done them just bring them to class. We will look at them and share them then. Do not over-think them. Allow yourself to relax and share freel
Step 8: It would be helpful if once you are done that you write / type the Messages in an email and send them to me. We will probably not have time to do each one individually when we meet so I will email them to each of you so you can all get all the messages done.
See you in class ;-)